Wurmbosch Vermigro compst is 100% organic plant food. This organic fertilizer is produced from green garden waste material that earthworms, through their unique digestive system, have converted into castings which are rich in micro-organisms and packed with minerals that are essential for plant growth. These minerals include concentrated nitrates, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, and calcium.
Vermigro's 100% organic composition ensures that it is perfect for delicate plants, seedlings and cuttings.
- Odourless
- Excellent soil conditioner
- Non-toxic
- Will not nutrient burn plants
- Clean and easy to use
- Neutral pH -
- Made from earthworm castings
- Certified: B3890. Act 36 of 1947
How to use
Organic Amendment:
- Enrich your soil mix with one-third(⅓) of the Vermigro worm castings bag.
Germination of Seedlings:
- Enrich your standard seedling mix with 10% Vermigro fertilizer.
Top dressing:
- 30L of growing medium: Apply 1 cup approx. every 3 weeks.
- Other recommended products to top dress here.
- Follow with a normal watering. Always use dechlorinated water for organics.
Organic beds:
- Apply 1kg per square meter every 2 to 3 months per m².
Seedlings and Bulbs:
- Make a hole in the ground, place 3 heaped tablespoon (40-50ml) Vermigro fertilizers in the hole and plant seedling or bulb directly into it.
Roses, Shrubs and Fruit Trees:
- Scatter approximately 500g around the stem once per growing season.
Planting Trees:
- Make a suitable hole, mix 1kg to 2kg Vermigro fertilizer (depending on size of hole) with two-thirds of soil dug from the hole. Feed as above.
1L (approx. 0.8kg)
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