
R179 - R11 940


Fast acting broad insecticide for the control of many sucking and biting insects such as red spider mite, aphids and scale on a range of crops. Kills all stages of insects, including eggs, on contact. Also works on ants.

Active ingredient

5g/ℓ Natural-Pyrethrum and 895g/ℓ Rape-seed oil.
The active ingredients of Pyrol are natural-pyrethrum and rapeseed oil. Natural-pyrethrum is obtained from a species of chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium) and is used as a highly effective insecticide.


Mode of Action

The dual action of Pyrol results in insect death by damaging the sodium canals of their nervous system and their breathing organs (tracheas). Although Pyrethrum is very toxic to insects, it has no effect on mammals and breaks down quickly in the presence of sunlight and oxygen, ensuring there are no long-term hazards to the environment or non-target organisms.

Rapeseed oil works extremely well against the egg stages of pests. This is especially important when dealing with red spider mite, whiteflies, mealybug and thrips. Rapeseed oil is also very effective against adult and larval stages of insects.

It is a proprietary formulation consisting only of naturally occurring plant oils as active ingredients. It is truly an insecticide from plants for plants. It does not contain piperonyl butoxide as a synergist, and the active ingredients do not persist in the environment.

This product will act effectively for most insect pests such as: aphids, beetles (e.g., Colorado potato beetle, Flea beetle, Japanese beetle, Asparagus beetle), caterpillars (e.g., Gypsy Moth caterpillars, Tent caterpillar, Diamondback moth larvae, Leaf Rollers), ants, mealy bugs, mites, leafhoppers, scale, whitefly, adelgids, plant bugs, fungus gnats, thrips, sawfly larvae, psyllids, spittlebugs, and phylloxera.


Use of beneficial organisms

Pyrol is the ideal complement to beneficial insect use. As Pyrol breaks down rapidly, beneficial insects can be applied to the crop only three days after treatment. Pyrol does not cause a repellent effect against beneficial insects, which is most commonly seen in synthetic Pyrethroids. When used in the presence of beneficial insects, Pyrol should only be applied in small strategic amounts as beneficial insects can also be killed if they come into contact with Pyrethrum.


Environmental compatibility data

Pyrol can lead to mortality of beneficial organisms on direct contact. However, due to the fast breakdown of the active ingredients it is possible for beneficial insects to be quickly reintroduced 3 to 4 days after application.
Bees: Product is not harmful to bees.
Water: Toxic for fish, fish food sources and algae.


How to use


  • 10 - 20 m / 1 ℓ of water, use the lower rate against soft bodied insects (Home & Garden) This equates to 20 mℓ - 40 mℓ per 2 ℓ of water.
  • For Cannabis use a lower solution: 5ml-10ml per ℓ of water.


  • Use a Compression Sprayer with a fine mist setting to generously distribute the Pyrol solution over the plant canopy or affected areas.
  • Spray during the coolest part of the day.
  • Apply as a full cover spray. Ensure wetting of both top and underside of leaf. Repeat treatment as necessary.
  • Established infestation will require frequent applications.
  • Use higher dosage in times of higher infestation.
  • Under high insect infestation apply every 7 days. Under periods of low infestation apply every 14 days. Repeat as necessary.

Advanced Directions:

  • Spray should be done at low temperatures and out of direct
    sunlight - Pyrol is most effective when applied in the evening or early
    morning when temperatures are lower. The effectiveness of Pyrol decreases when temperatures are 25°C or higher. Do not apply in direct sunlight, as Pyrethrum degrades in UV light, reducing its efficacy.
  • Spray volume - Pyrol is a contact spray. Therefore, the plants have to be sprayed from all sides, including the top and underside of the leaves. Do not spray to the point of run-off.
  • Repetition of applications - We recommend a second application 5-7 days after the first application. When dealing with scales and mealybug, apply a second spray after 14 days.
  • Extensive testing has shown that most plants tolerate Pyrol. However, if unsure about plant phytotoxicity, a test spray on a few plants, or few leaves, prior to treating the whole area, is recommended. Pyrol may cause damage on flowers of ornamental plants, as well as leaf damage on Poinsettia, Lantana, ferns, Ficus and Ageratum. Pyrol may also cause leaf damage at high rates on sensitive apple varieties such as Kanzi.



  • Contains 89.5% Canola Oil & 0.5% Pyrethrin (harmful).
  • Reg. No. L7062 Act no. 36 of 1947.
  • USA EPA Registration # 67702-5.
  • OMRI organically certified.


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