Mycorrhizal fungi

R89 - R1 690


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Mycoroot Mycorrhizal fungi is a granular product that is applied as a soil or growth medium amendment. It contains indigenous strains of mycorrhizal fungi, which form a special symbiotic relationship with the roots of plants, improving plant health and growth. After colonizing plant roots, mycorrhizae acts like an extension of the plant’s root system and can increase the absorptive surface area of roots by up to 700 times.

The plant channels sugars to feed the fungi which sends nitrogen, phosphorus and other nutrients back to the plant. This mutually beneficial relationship is said to be around 460 million years old and coincides with plant colonization of land.

The product can be used for container plants, in the garden for ornamentals, vegetables or when transplanting seedlings, trees and shrubs.

The application is once off for the life of the plant. Once the relationship has established there is no need to inoculate the plants again, unless they have been disturbed.

Mycorrhizal fungi aids in the breakdown of organic material such as Soft Rock Phosphate


MYCOROOTTM products have been developed using southern African isolates of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal fungi. These are naturally occurring soil microorganisms, which have not been genetically altered in any way. The product is indigenous, environmentally friendly and produced in an inert clay carrier.

Mycoroot products contain a combination of arbuscular mycorrhizal isolates which include:

  • Rhizophagus clarus (previously Glomus clarum)
  • Gigaspora gigantea
  • Funneliformis mosseae (previously Glomus mosseae)
  • Claroideoglomus etunicatum (previously Glomus etunicatum)
  • Paraglomus occultum (molecular determination).

Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi are obligate symbionts and the production is based on a soil-less culture. Most probably number (MPN) of propagules is 80-100 per g product.


What are AM fungi?

  • Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi are intimately associated with the roots of most flowering plants, herbs, vegetables and agricultural crops.
  • Mycoroot products contain selected combinations of indigenous AM fungi suited for all your plant production needs. 

How do AM fungi benefit plants?

  • AM fungi form a symbiotic relationship with the plants providing them with nutrients from the soil through better exploitation of the soil environment.
  • Mycoroot treated plants are stronger, healthier and more tolerant to stress conditions than plants with poor colonization.

The benefits of using AM fungi are summarized as follows:

  • Improve root development
  • Mycorrhizal Fungi releases enzymes that help to ‘unlock’ and dissolve essential nutrients within the soil
  • Increase tolerance to drought stress
  • Increase uptake of nutrients and water
  • Store excess nutrients in the soil for later use
  • Suppress weedy non-mycorrhizal plants
  • Increase soil microbial biodiversity
  • Improve soil aggregation and aeration
  • Reduce transplant failure & shock
  • Optimize productivity & Improve plant health

How to use

Transplanting seedlings and plants in the garden or re-potting plants:

  • Small-sized plants: Use 1-2 teaspoons (10ml) of Mycorrhizal fungi at the bottom of the planting hole (below the roots for seedlings).

  • Larger plants: Use 2-4 tablespoons (30 - 60ml) in the planting hole.

For established plants:

  • Pot Plants: 10 ml – 20ml worked in the top layer.
  • Large Plants: 100 ml - 200ml worked around the plant.

Per ha:

  • Apply 50Kg - 100Kg Mycorrhizal fungi.
  • Application depends on the plant species and densities being planted.

 1L (approx. 1.2kg)

Registered on the National Treasury

Helpful tips:

  • Water after planting.
  • Please keep product sealed and stored in a dark cool place for longevity - can be stored in the fridge.

Mycorrhizal fungi will not benefit the following plants:

  • Brassicaceae - Cabbage, Kale, Radish, Turnip, Rocket
  • Cyperaceae - Sedges, Reeds
  • Commelinaceae - Wandering Jew, Spiderwort
  • Polygonaceae - Rhubarb, Sorrel
  • Proteaceae - Protea, Leucadendron

Note: Over 95% of the world’s plants form beneficial associations with mycorrhizal fungi.

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Can I use too much?

No, there is no detrimental effect if over applied. Our recommended rates are a cost-effective way to sufficiently treat your plants.

What do the fungi get out of all this good samaritan work?

The answer is food. As mycorrhizae helps plants to better utilize nutrients for growth and photosynthesis above-ground, the plants send sugars back down to their roots to nourish the fungi. Everyone wins! 

Do I still need fertilizer with mycorrhizal fungi?

Yes, it simply helps plants make better use of nutrients in the soil. So, be sure to routinely amend your garden with compost, organic amendments or other organic fertilizer too.

Can I see AM fungi on my plant roots?

Unfortunately not, AM fungi do not form structures which are visible to the naked eye. In order to see these fungi associating with your plant root they have to be specially treated in the laboratory and than examined under a high powered compound microscope.

TIP: Remember to feed the soil, not the plant!