Our Malted Barley introduces many species of enzymes, fungi and bacteria that work together to break down nutrients into a form that the plant can easily absorb. Typically used as a soil top dress or soil mix. The bacteria found in our Barley grains produce biologically significant levels of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), a vital plant growth hormone that promotes cell division and is involved in the coordination and development of plant organs.
It is applied by simply sprinkling on top of mulch, but a bit more frequently. Malted Barley can be applied to your grow every week or two.
How It Works
Barley Grains are an exceptionally rich source of microbes, with a wide range of bacteria, filamentous fungi and yeasts colonizing the area between the husk and the pericarp.
During the malting process the grains are made to germinate under strict conditions in order to facilitate the development of internally present hydrolytic enzymes. These enzymes catalyse the degradation of the starchy endosperm and cell walls of the grain in the presence of water, modifying the structure of the barley endosperm. Once germinated the grain is dried under conditions designed to prevent the denaturing of the enzymes
The key part of this process is the “peak enzymatic activity”. Basically, enzymes help plants do everything from photosynthesize, to more readily take up and make use of nutrients and minerals. The use of malted barley provides a lot of benefits and you really can’t go overboard with the product. It is very mild and will not burn your plants.
Once you have applied Malted Barley to your mulch, the worms within your grow bags will love it. They love to eat Malted Barley, and move it all around the soil for us. The increased worm activity also helps promote good aeration, even moisture retention, and nutrient cycling.
- Barley introduces many species of enzymes, fungi and bacteria that work together to break down nutrients into a form that the plant can easily absorb.
- Specifically malted for peak enzymatic activity
- Super food for your worms - Feed to your worm bins to increase healthy microbial populations that help the worm digest the food.
- Has pest resistant properties due to the enzymes - prevents larva from spawning in the soil.
- Builds beneficial mycelium
- Breaks down quickly
- High in growth hormone indole-3-acetic acid (IAA)
- Use your existing nutrients more effectively
- Promotes faster flowering period
How to use
5ml = 1 teaspoon | 15ml = 1 Tablespoon | 240ml = 1 Cup
Organic amendment
Crush/blend malted barley just before use
Top Dressing
2ml of ground malted barley per 1L substrate
60ml of ground malted barley per 30L substrate
- Frequency: Apply every 2 weeks before a watering
- Application:
- Can apply at double dosage in the first 4 weeks of blooming.
Evenly distributed on top of the substrate.
Follow with a normal dechlorinated watering.
- Can top dress with other organic soil amendments at the same time.
Soil Mix
15ml Malted Barely per 1L substrate
480ml Malted Barely per 30L substrate
Frequency: When mixing/revitalizing a substrate
- Application:
- Get a container or set a tarp on the ground.
- Add the substrate, Malted Barely and other organic soil amendments.
- Mix well and gently water with dechlorinated water.
- Cover the soil to avoid pests and keep soil from drying out.
- Recommended to let the soil sit for approx. 2 months before use.
Garden Bed Amendment
Dosage: 240ml - 480ml Malted Barley per m2 of garden bed
Frequency: Applied every 3-6 weeks
- Evenly distributed on top of the soil.
Follow with a normal dechlorinated watering.
- Can top dress with other organic soil amendments at the same time.
- Use approximately 5kg ground malted barley per cubic meter (m³) of raw material. Adds beneficial enzymes to the composting process.
- Activate with composting soil microbes: Byodyne Environoc 501.
Worm bin:
- Perfect worm food - ground Malted Barely helps worms digest their food and create a more beneficially inoculated fungi dominated worm castings.
Seedling mix:
- Use malted barely in your seedling mix, will help protect against pathogens and bug larvae.
1L of Malted Barley (approx. 600g)
Helpful tips:
When using malted barley, it is best used when freshly ground. Therefore, wait to grind the grains until the time of use. It can be ground into a powder in any sort of blender or food processor.
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