

The Gro-Lux High Pressure Sodium (HPS) 600W Lamp with an E40 fitting. Offering a high output with a raised spectral discharge in both the reds and blues, this bulb is perfect for stimulating enhanced flowering. The Sylvania HPS Lamp offers up to 20,000 life hours and 90,000 Lumens. This colour adjusted Sylvania Grolux lamp offers a broader spectrum of light, making it an ideal lamp for both the vegetative and flowering stages. 

Generally speaking, most High-Pressure Sodium lamps emit a warm light of around 2200 Kelvin, what this means is that it is most suited to the flowering stage of growth. With a Dual Spectrum lamp, however, both warm and cool light is emitted which allows for the lamp to be more suited for both the vegetative stage as well as the flowering stage.

Products in this range include the Electronic Ballast, Wing Reflector and Contact Timer



  • Patented arc tube delivers the highest photosynthetic efficiency
  • Performance maintained at an exceptional level due to improved structure of the outer bulb, - Optimised for the highest Phytolumens or PAR output
  • 20 000 hours life & Industry leading lumen maintenance of 95% at the end of life
  • This colour adjusted Sylvania Grolux lamp offers a broader spectrum of light making it more ideal lamp for both the vegetative and flowering stages.

Green Houston's recommendation: This is the best bang for your buck for our HPS bulb range Single Ended 600w HPS bulbs.



Brand Sylvania
Weight 80g
Life hours 20 000 hrs
Colour Temperature 2000K
Watts 600w

Requires a ballast to run the lamp (Electronic Ballast) & recommended with a reflector (Wing Reflector).

You will also need a Contact Timer to handle the inlet rush created by HPS lights when they turn on.